The Banker Bet System is extremely selective with just 5 selections in the 7 days before the system was advertised. The results from these selections were: Cloudy Spirit (ew), 2nd @ 7/1; Point at Issue, Won @ 5/1; Sea of Thunder, 2nd @ 7/4; Barenger, Won @ 5/2; Beneficial Reform, Won @ 15/8; and Great Endeavour (ew), 4th @ 6/1. With three winners and two each way bets it was a good week, with a level stake profit of £900 to a simple £100 level stake bet on each Banker Bet System selection. The vendor advises that these results are not just some “get lucky week” and provides a table of last two years monthly results. During the original trial for this method there was a profit every single month over the 11 month trial, ranging between £1045 and an incredible £4135. To find these selections takes just a few minutes a day, following a simple six step selection process which will quickly identify the day’s Banker Bet Selection. On average, the Banker Bet Selection produces around three to five selections per week and there is never more than one selection per day. The exceptionally high strike rate is the main benefit of this method, because you can place your maximum bet on each horse in absolute confidence, completely safe in the knowledge that over eight out of every ten selections results in a winning bet.
This method was sold for an incredible £495.