The vendor of this method states, Two years ago I ran into a good friend of mine. I asked him what he was doing for a living and he told me he was now a professional gambler. Having known him for years and known him to have a successful career, I thought he’d lost his mind. I asked him how it was working out for him he told me he was earning between £800 and £900 a week tax-free. I, like most people, believed that the only winners in horse racing were the bookies and, although intrigued by his change of career, if anything I felt sorry for him, thinking that like most gamblers he would crash and burn.
I spent the next year running my own cleaning business giving little thought to my old pal until after that awful weather came at the back end of 2010 and my work ground to a halt. With time on my hands and a facebook account I got back in touch with my old mate and enquired how he was doing. He said never better and he was still earning the big bucks as a pro’ gambler. We arranged to meet up and after chatting for a while he showed me the records of his gambling activity. They were thorough and conclusive and I had to concede he was onto something. I asked him if he’d show me how he did it and I wasn’t sure he would but he did. There was limited racing at that time due to the bad weather, but I hit the ground running and although I wasn’t doing it on the scale my friend was, I quickly started winning, expecting my luck to run out but it didn’t! Sure, there are days when I lose a little, but I am winning substantially more and win money most days! I still find it remarkable that someone with no prior racing knowledge can consistently find profitable bets and beat the bookies!
Although credit for this system lies elsewhere. This method requires no knowledge of horse racing and you can find a bet for almost every UK horse race. Without giving too much away, this system is more akin to playing the stock market than gambling on horses.